It’s Fun 2 Tri

Our events will be a chance for children aged 7 – 14 years to get involved with and learn more about triathlon, while having lots of fun at the same time and most importantly getting active.

The sessions will follow the basic triathlon structure of swim, bike and run. Some games and skills will be taught in the pool. We will also be teaching bike handling skills and how to quickly get on and off the bike. During the run session, we will be doing running drills and how to transition from bike to run.

During the sessions there will also be opportunities to ask questions of the coaches and for the parents to be able to speak to Andy to discuss how they can continue to support their children being active.

Andy will have his medals at each event to hopefully inspire the children, however Andy understands that not everyone can win golds medals but hoping that by putting on these days he will encourage the local children to lead a happy, healthy more active lifestyle.

2020 Events At Freedom Leisure – Lydney

Sunday April 5th 14:00-15:00 – Swimming Pool – Swim skills – With Andy Lewis

Sunday May 3rd 11:00-12:30 – Tennis Courts – Bike Skills – Hosted by Andy Lewis & Team

Sunday June 7th 11:00-12:30 – Astro Turf – Run Skills – Hosted by Andy Lewis

Sunday 19th July – Registration 13:15 – Finish 15:30 – Mini Triathlon – Hosted by Andy Lewis & Freedom Leisure

All events are £2.50 per child

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